"Becoming" by Michelle Obama is a captivating memoir that chronicles the life of the former First Lady of the United States, from her humble beginnings in Chicago to her journey...
Dive into the intricate fabric of societal dynamics with "Gender Studies for CSS PMS PCS" authored by the esteemed Dr. MA Raza Khawaja and published by ILMI. This comprehensive resource...
In the contemporary world, understanding gender dynamics is imperative for navigating societal structures and promoting inclusivity. Dr. NK Jasak-Caravan offers a comprehensive exploration of gender studies tailored specifically for aspirants...
In "Gender Studies for CSS PMS PCS," Sujata Sen delves into the complex and multifaceted realm of gender, offering a comprehensive exploration tailored specifically for aspirants preparing for the Competitive...
In "Political Ideologies," Dr. Sultan Khan delves into the intricate web of political thought that has shaped Pakistan's trajectory since its inception. With a keen eye for historical nuance and...
"Political Theory: An Introduction 5th Edition" by Andrew Heywood and Clayton Chin serves as a comprehensive guide to the fundamental principles and concepts of political theory. With a keen focus...